1. After reading the article by Patel Smith Fitzsimmons Kara & Detmer (2012) reflect on the data collection methods and the analysis strategies that were used to assess the data. Address the following questions in your post: What were the key data col

    1. After reading the article by Patel Smith Fitzsimmons Kara & Detmer (2012) reflect on the data collection methods and the analysis strategies that were used to assess the data. Address the following questions in your post:
    What were the key data collection methods used and how did they align with the focus of the research?
    What were the analysis strategies used and how did they align with the type of data that was collected during the study?
    What do you feel are the particular strengths of the data collection and analysis of this article? What do you consider the weaknesses of this approach?
    Patel N. Smith R. Fitzsimmons K. Kara M. & Detmer E. (2012). Utilizing goal setting strategies at the middle level: Helping students self-regulate behavior. Networks: An On-line Journal for Teacher Research 14(2) 1-9.
    2.Data Collection
    As you consider the construction of your data gathering instruments use the following questions and explanations by Sagor (2011) to guide you.
    When collecting and analyzing data action researchers can do a great deal to ensure the validity and reliability of their findings by using a process called triangulation. The term triangulation refers to the use of multiple independent data sources to corroborate findings. The purpose and necessity of corroboration is the same for the action researcher as it is for the trial lawyer. A trial lawyer knows that to convince a jury of the accuracy of a legal theory it helps to have more than one witness; the more individual witnesses whose testimony supports the theory the more credible the theory becomes (Sagor 2002 p. 16-18).
    Educational action researchers usually have a wide variety of data sources available to them. Some of the most common data sources are the following:
    Existing data
    Observation data
    You as the researcher will describe the instruments and data gathering techniques used. You must establish criteria for selecting the data as they relate to the scope of the problem.
    A helpful tool for planning data collection and triangulation is a triangulation matrixa simple grid that shows the various data sources that will be used to answer each research question. The matrix provides the action researcher with some assurance that the potential for bias (which is always present whenever a single source of data is used) won’t take on undue significance. Figure 2.3 illustrates how a completed triangulation matrix for a study on student editing might look.
    Figure 2.3. Triangulation MatrixStudy on Student Editing
    Adapted from: Sagor R. (2002).Guiding school improvement through action research.Alexandria VA: ASCD. pp. 8-16.
    Your Task
    Submit at least one of the data gathering instruments you have selected or at least one of the instruments you have constructed along with an explanation. Please be sure to include your explanation for what you have chosen or designed focus on how you see it connecting to your proposed project/research question. Attach the data-gathering instrument (surveys pre tests etc.) to the assignment submission.
    Please also include a triangulation chart showing the ideas you have for the remainder of your data collection. You will need to develop the other tools for the final proposal as well but for this assignment you are submitting one to show your thinking and to get feedback about your ideas in the triangulation matrix. After you get instructor feedback on this you can continue to develop your ideas and add them to your AR proposal.
    3.Data Analysis
    During data analysis the teacher researcher engages in a systematic effort to search for patterns or trends in the data. There are many ways to accomplish this. Regardless of the particular technique employed during the analysis phase the researcher tries to systematically cut sift and sort the data into piles of like or similar objects. The key purpose of this systematic sorting and categorizing is to assist in answering the following two questions:
    These two questions help us to frame out what can be learned from the data analysis process. While you will not formally implement your proposal during this course you need to consider how to work with the answers that your data offers. Asking these kinds of questions and exploring the themes that can arise from the work can direct your interpretations. Once the researcher believes the process has resulted in adequate answers to those two questions it is time for the researcher to take a critical look at the initial AR goal and ask how it may need to be revised based upon the analysis of the data (Sagor 2002 p. 8-16).
    Using the triangulation matrix that you created on #2 as a base brainstorm some ideas for how you think you would analyze the data that results from your collection methods. Be conscious of the approach that your data suggests (qualitative quantitative mixed methods) and make appropriate selections. Share your ideas for the analysis strategies. Be sure to include 2-5 possible themes that you expect to emerge from the data that you would collect. Remember that these are thoughts about where you might end up at the end of the work based on the experiences of others and your familiarity with your context and professional experiences.
    Sagor R. (2002).Guiding school improvement through action research.Alexandria VA: ASCD. pp. 8-16.
    Note that all should relate to how teachers leadership skills affect students’ motivation.

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