3 Page Public Health Project On Opioid Addiction In Teens

    Be on time, ORIGINAL WORK


    3pages not including title & ref page min3 APA












    This Assignment should be written as a 3- to 5 page scholarly paper excluding the title page and references (do notjust provide an outline). You are expected to follow APA form and style, including the correct use of in-text citations and references. 




    The following is an example of a content outline for this paper. follow this outline exactly, all of the following content should be included in some way in the scholarly paper:




    • Introduction
      • One paragraph briefly restating the purpose and focus of the study
    • Information biases
      • Describe the potential information biases in your study
      • Discuss how information bias will be handled or minimized in the study
    • Research questions and hypotheses
      • Restate the study’s research questions along with their associated hypotheses
    • Statistical analysis plans
      • Describe data cleaning and screening procedures for the initial dataset
      • Discuss your plans for initial descriptive analyses and any other preliminary statistics that may be appropriate (e.g., bivariate analyses to assess potential confounders, collinearity analyses)
    • For each research question/hypothesis:
      • Identify the statistical test that will be used to test the association
      • Describe which variables will be included in the analysis and why
      • Identify the measures of association, parameter estimates, or other results, and describe how they will be interpreted
      • Include a discussion of additional procedures as appropriate (e.g., Bonferroni corrections, goodness-of-fit tests, tests for interaction)
    • References

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