Comment 1
    Social media has caused more frailties between some couples. For instance observing another person in a photo with your loved one. Its simple for jealousy to emerge. Additionally an excessive number of diversions between couples give careful consideration to what they don’t have as opposed to being thankful for what they do have.
    Comment 2
    The middle age will have somewhat knowledge of what is going on social media and know how to use it like twitter Facebook Instagram and snap chat. But the Senior adults might not have no clue how to use Facebook twitter snap chat andInstagram with that being said social media may not have no influence on the middle age and senior adults because they are set in their ways so they read the newspaper listen to news radio and watch the news to know what is going on in the world.
    The effects of social media have on my relationship and communication with others there are no effects I have a relationship with my nephew because of social media like Facebook. I communicate great with others specially people from back home in Boston I can see what is going on in Boston because of social media like Facebook and Twitter. If I was not on Facebook I would’ve have not got to know my nephews and nieces on Facebook and they would’ve not got to know me. It is easier to find out if you would get along with this person when you meet in person I know you can’t really get a persons emotions on Facebook.

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