1. Identify your brand.Shake Shack
2. Identify all of your brand’s social media channels that are implemented.
3. What are the different supporting components of the social media value chain? List an example for each social media value chain you identified.
4. What are the four different social media zones? Define them and list examples for each zone.
5. First, define the following terminology for social media marketing, then list examples for each (or attach/link examples).
§ Nodes/Ties
§ Hubs/Pumps
§ Paid/Earned/Owned social media
6. Conduct a brief general social media content analysis of your brand within the past week:
§ What type of contents are posted?
o Pictures (What type? Be specific or attach/link examples)
o Videos (What type? Be specific or attach/link examples)
§ How often are contents posted?
§ On average, what time of the day are the contents posted?
§ Are they doing any paid social media? If so, on which channels?
7. Select and identify a brand’s competitor. Then,
§ Describe a recent example of their social media marketing success. For example, did some posts or content work particularly well, and why? (Attach/link the example)
§ Describe a recent example of failure of their social media marketing. For example, did some posts or content work particularly badly, and why? (Attach/link the example)
8. Overall, evaluate your brand’s social media marketing performance by observing some of the following key metrics (Likes, Shares, Friends/Following/Followers):
§ Identify what your brand is doing better on social media marketing than its competitors (at least 3 examples).
§ Identify what your brand can benchmark form the competitor’s social media marketing (at least 3 examples).
§ Identify what your brand needs to improve on social media marketing (at least 3 examples).
9. Reference list