Transportation System Planning

    1. What is the relevance of this topic to the transportation planning process?
    2. How do state and metropolitan plans incorporate these topics into their process?  
    3. Develop an outline of a potential presentation and key talking points to a board for discussing the importance of your selected issue and the need to incorporate it into the planning process.




    1. Entire report content – between six and ten pages.
    2. Use 11 point Times New Roman font and double-spaced paragraphs on one-inch margins.
    3. Use section headings and page numbers.  Section headings can have 13 point font size.
    4. Provide charts and/or figures as appropriate.
    5. Cite references and/or website addresses (with download date).
    6. Grading – Each question is worth a third of the total score.
    7. Grammar and spelling will be a factor.

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