
    Final ExamPH 772: Epidemiologic Research IIMonroe CollegeWinter 2022

    NAME __________________________________________________________

    Q1. Cohort studies can be _____________ in nature:

    A. Prospective

    B. Retrospective

    C. Ambispective

    D. All of the above

    Q2. Which of the following designs is best for testing a causal relationship?

    A. Cross-sectionalB. EcologicalC. Case-controlD. Experimental trialsE. Case report/case series

    Q3. Hypothesis are most likely to be included in what type of research studies?

    A. Descriptive B. AnalyticC. All of the aboveD. None of the above

    Q4. Conducting a descriptive analysis is usually the first step in the quest for causality.

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