Assignment 1: DiscussionWhat You Want and What You Can GetThe purpose of this as

    Assignment 1: DiscussionWhat You Want and What You Can GetThe purpose of this assignment is to examine how negotiation takes place in a team and how to increase awareness of the additional challenges and complexities posed by negotiating in such a setting.Consider that you are the team leader for a group of six volunteers that has to negotiate the purchase of land and real estate for a midsize nonprofit organization. You have been given a budget of $1.5 million. However the property that your management is interested in costs $2 million. A successful negotiation would entail a thorough exploration of the situation. Respond to the following questions:BySaturday July 27 2013respond to the discussion question assigned by the faculty. Submit your response to the appropriateDiscussion Area. Use the sameDiscussion Areato comment on your classmates submissions and continue the discussion untilWednesday July 31 2013.Comment on how your classmates would address differing views.

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