Class, Appcelerator Titanium was released in December 2008, and has been steadily growing in functionality since its release.  Starting with its Titanium Developer product, Appcelerator provides a single-point interface to run applications.  Titanium Studio is a full-featured IDE which provides a single place to handle all steps of the development environment including a debugging solution.   Titanium is not a magic bullet; however, it does include a solid framework for developing a single codebase to deploy to multiple platforms.   In addition, it allows developers to use a language they are more familiar with to create apps in a domain outside of their knowledge.

    • What are some advantages to using Appcelerator Titanium?
    • Though Appcelerator is reasonably priced, why do some mobile app developers feel that the bugs dont make it worth the effort?.
    • How is Appcelerator different from other mobile application developers?

    • This is a required assignment and is worth 50 points.
    • You must apply and use the basic citation styles of APA.
    • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others.
    • Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APAs style and formatting
    • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work.  It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive a zero for your work.

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