Business Ethics:Four Types Of Corporate Social Responsibility ,Product Safety And Advertising

    1-Four Types of Corporate Social Responsibility :

     Review the four types of corporate social responsibility described on pp. 325-329 of the text, 

    1-A-  Describe how  Walmart Canada meets these responsibilities and suggest some areas for further development. 


    2- Product Safety and Advertising :

     Read the short case, “Product Safety and Advertising”, on pp.392-393 of the text.  

    2 A-  describe the stakeholders in the case. 

    2 B- Should Big Pharma return its drug to the market with a stronger black box warning, or should it keep the drug off the market? 

    2 C- How will the decision impact the stakeholders? 

    2 D-Should Big Pharma or individual doctors be responsible for the decision to make such a drug available to patients? 

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