Case Study Discussion Board reponse

    Provide a response to two peers in my class. See case study and their Discussion Response below
    Case Study
    Case Study #1 Missions Committee Meltdown
    Peer Reponse
    My friend working with a committee many have great ideas in mind on how the mission should be accomplished. Often we feel our way is the correct way and then only way to see the outcome be a success.
    When we agree to serve we need to understand the work we are doing is not for us but for the Glory of God.
    I have attached a brochure that address peacemaking principles. I want to implore you to review these carefully and use it to address the conflict at hand.
    First I want to review with you is know that everything we do is for the Glory of God. You should not feel any regret for serving on this committee due to the conflict you are having with Pat. Could it be that God has placed you on this committee to help Pat with the deficiencies he has with his education? With your great finance skills you can help Pat properly interpret the information gaining a greater knowledge base a comfortability overcoming his weakness. Where is where we need to not see ourselves so highly and take the log out of our own eye and be a true servant. It is not wise to belittle any of Gods children but to see how we can be a true servant and aid them along the way.
    I advise you to first step back and repent. Repent for your wrong doing of not seeing the reason God has placed you on this committee and then repent for not recognizing where your Christian brother was weak and needed your support. When individuals have a deficiency unfortunately they will mask that deficiency with the spirit of pride. Pride goes before destruction. (Proverbs 16:18 NASB) Ask yourself does Pat has an issue with a prideful spirit or do you and Pat have an issue with a prideful spirit? Pride will have a fall. Those that are of a haughty spirit that think of themselves above what is meet and look with contempt upon others that with their pride affront God and disquiet others will be brought down either by repentance or by ruin. It is the honor of God to humble the proud.[1] My friend the wonderful thing overall is that God is a merciful God who forgives when we repent and we can be restored as well as reconciled to Him and our Christian brothers and sisters.
    Seek brother Pat in peace and work through the conflict first with asking for his forgiveness. Pray with Pat and pray together that God will guide you both through the work He has for you too contributing to this committee. Remember my friend it is all for the Glory of God.
    Case Study # 1 – Missions Committee Meltdown
    Peace be with you dear friend
    Thank you for sharing your conflict with me. Forgive me for not taking time to speak with you in person or over the phone. My current schedule does not allow for such conversation. I hope that my writing may enlighten the challenges of your experience and offer a few words of advise on resolving this conflict. I would like to begin this letter by reminding you of your mission on the committee team. This service is for the glory of God and I pray that you may honor him in this situation with your teammate Pat.
    As I understand your situation Pat seemingly takes delight in cynical humor and looks for opportunity to ridicule and criticize suggestions made during your meetings. You are under the impression that his comments are especially directed towards you. However knowing that he is self-conscious about his lack of education you took the opportunity to shame him in public. You have received two page letter addressing your wrong doings during last night’s meeting. Pat believes you are unfit to serve the missions committee and send a copy to the chairman. You are now torn between pointing the finger or discussing the conflict over the phone. What a dilemma! I hope that God gives you the wisdom and understanding to
    I have attached a copy of the Peacemaker Boucher as a resources for you to begin to resolve this conflict. A basic principal of this situation and any that involves conflict is to use the opportunity to glorify God who is perfect. We are called to model his perfection through the same mercy forgiveness and love he’s shown us through Jesus Christ. Furthermore it gives us the opportunity to serve the other even if it means we are humiliated during the process. Keep this in mind as you read and think of ways to approach this situation. Second recognize your part in the conflict. That is to ask what contributions did you play both positive and negative for this problem to arise. Consider the fact that before last nights encounter with Pat he may not have known how much his comments during the meetings bothered you deeply. The scriptures tells us If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault just between the two of you. If he listens to you you have won your brother over( Matthew 18:15). Begin by asking Pat to meet with you just the two of you.Perhaps lunch or coffee your treat. Ask him why do you think that I have reacted in that way? The best way to try and understand Pat’s behaviors towards you is to also ask him for forgiveness. Forgiveness for killing him your heart throughout your meetings. Although you may not have addressed this with him directly he should know where your frustrations stem from. You can say Pat forgive me for judging you your cutting humor and criticism have hurt me. I have killed you in my heart and further experienced death in my own heart as a result. Begin by confessing your faults while also addressing his sin against you may begin to restore brotherhood in Christ.
    I believe that both you and Pat have an extraordinary mission on the committee! It’s no wonder that Satan makes every attempt to keeps us out of harmony. He knows that our unity will thwart his progress( Pegues15). You are serving a greater purpose on the team and it is imperative for you to reconcile with Pat immediately. Our sins and unresolved not only block progress but effect others around us. Although I cannot guarantee that Pat will accept your willingness to reconcile I am confident that God will defend you and bring peace to you. Remember that unresolved conflicts can bring such consequences as the ones your are experiencing. Be consoled and confident that God will defend you through your attempt to resolve the conflict if you are able to see that you are no better than Pat and have also hurt him. Scriptures says For if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others sins your father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14-15.
    My dear friend I pray that God gives you the humility to confront Pat with love recognizing that you are no better than he. Further more that this experience may bring you divine peace and spirit to continue your mission on the committee.
    Courage and peace be with you
    Cristiana Wilson-King
    Pegues D. S. (2009). Confronting without offending. Eugene: Harvest House
    New Jerusalem Bible
    Sande K. (2004). The peace maker. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Books.

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