Compare and contrast the role of a correctional administrator at a prison vs. a jail.

     Correctional Administrators 




    Prisons and jails are both classified as correctional facilities, however their missions and day-to-day operations can vary significantly. The types of offenders being held and the reasons they are incarcerated are notably different between a state or federal prison and a county jail.




    In your initial response,




    A)  Compare and contrast the role of a correctional administrator at a prison vs. a jail. 




    B) Be sure to highlight the missions of both and how those missions impact the way day-to-day operations are managed by a correctional administrator.




    Assignment Instructions:

    1) Based on research, and
    2) Using professional, scholarly sources, and
    3) Submitted in APA 6th ed style, and
    4) A minimum of 350 words, excluding the references list.

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