Critique writing

How to Write a Critique


An Article critique mainly refers to a genre of academic writing that critically evaluates and summarizes, in brief, a unique concept or work of art. More often, critiques have been used in analyzing creative works of art such as novels, poetry, and films apart from evaluating research journals and media reports. Just like any other essay, a paper critique employs the formal academic writing styles. The academic styles tend to have a clear structure that includes an introduction part, body and conclusion. However, when writing a critique, its body part comprises of detailed evaluation and summary of the work. It mainly serves to weigh the usefulness of the work in a particular field.

Critique Outline

Before writing a critique, it is advisable always to have a clear understanding of the work that is being critiqued. Therefore, in an article critique, the following sections are outlined;

  • Introduction part-this is typically the section in which you name the author, date and the work being reviewed. Frequently written in less than 10% of the total word length, the introduction section also gives a vivid description of the main purpose of the work under review while giving satisfactory explanations of the circumstances that led to the work.
  • Summary– This section provides details of the main points and objects of the work under review. The section also provides an objective description of how the author depicts the use of various figurative techniques, styles, symbols and even characters throughout his/her work.
  • Conclusion- the conclusion section normally highlights a short and very brief paragraph that often indicates the overall evaluation of the work. Additionally, a conclusion also points out the key concepts and aspects of the work, providing recommendations at the end.

How to Critique a Research Article

The first and critical step in critiquing a research article is to thoroughly read through and understand the field in which the work of art has been written. In most instances, research articles are created from a given topic of discussion that is outlined in various steps. Therefore, as you critique a research article, you need to put down key parts of the work. Secondly, you should develop an understanding of the main purpose of the research for you to correctly present an argument in the critique.
A clear knowledge of the primary objective of the research will help you give a positive, negative or rather a mixed evaluation. Finally, consider how the research work co-relates broadly to an issue or context best known to the society.

How to Summarize and Critique an Article

Just like outlined above, summarizing and critiquing an article takes the shape of a systematic and detailed assessment of the various elements of work of art. The summary should evaluate how efficient the author of the article achieved the purpose of his work. The summary normally involves a complete assessment of the plot structure, setting that encompasses an assortment of painting, color, and light (if provided), as well as general characterization. However, a good critique paper should not just highlight negative impressions and perspectives but rather should deconstruct the author’s piece of work and evaluate both the strengths and weaknesses.

How to Critique a Newspaper Article

When critiquing a newspaper article, you should note the position taken by the newspaper editorial so as not to confuse him/her with other columns that often express the opinions. Therefore, the general view of the editor in the article is to express the standpoint of the article. Taking the critique into the steps above, you should understand the various types of editorials, which may be to call for attention, express approval or disapproval and or recommend a particular decision to be taken. Finally, you should cite all the sources in your critique using the proper formatting styles.

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