400 words.
When we talk about the prison system we call it the corrections system. What does the term mean in this context and how has the prison system changed over time to live up to (or not live up to) this name? TheSourcebook of Criminal Justice Statisticswill have recidivism rates of released prisoners that will be useful for your response. The sourcebook can be found athttp://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/pdf/t652.pdf.
500 words.
Strategies of development can includeexemplifying narrating describing evaluating defining classifying comparing-contrastingandshowing cause and effect. In ENG101 or in another composition I course you may have written essays using those strategies. In this class you will continue to do so.
Reflect:As a developing writer it is important to continue employing and developing these modes to maximize the effect of your message. Think of a recent piece of writing regardless of length you produced at work or home in which you used one or more of these calculated moves to achieve a desired effect.
Write:For this post consider the following questions: