To complete the learning activities please create a new thread for each theme and identify in the subject line the theme for which you are responding. Remember an in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation. Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is always expected in the learning activities and good practice for the assignments in the course. To respond to Learning Activities click on the blue hyperlink.
The organizing function is where management gathers and synchronizes the resources of the organization (people capital and physical) to complete the goals set out in the planning stage.
Learning Activity 1 – Theme 1&2
One of the long-term goals set out by the LLB owners (from wee k4) is to increase sales in the cowboy boot line by 15%. The short term goal to accomplish this is to create a sales campaign that targets the tourist trade. This campaign includes:
The current budget for the cowboy/tourist portion of the marketing project is $40000. Mohammed Abul is the marketing director. He wants to hire an assistant to oversee the cowboy/tourist boot line. The assistant will be in charge of the three current part-time sales associates give purchasing direction to the purchasing department run the boot blog createnewcopy for the Internet website on a monthly basis and execute all other duties related to the implementation of new boot tourist campaign. Salaries for the assistant and the associates are not included in this portion of the budget. Additional useful facts include:
Currently the structure of LLB has been ad-hoc in nature. The long-term decisions are made by the family Joseph Abul (father and his sons Mohammed Abul (marketing) and Ali Abul (store manager). Fatima Abul (mother) oversees staff andAdoulAbul (brother of Joseph) does the purchasing. Yara Abul (daughter) handles the finances. There are two full-time sales associates and 8 part-time associates not including the newassistant. Store hours are M T W F S 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Thurs 10:00 am to 8:30 pm
Complete the following based on the information provided above:
Learning Activity 2- Theme 2