Homework help News PIP QUESTION

    NEWS understands the issues that they must overcome in terms of quality speed and controlling costs.
    NEWS believes that the analysis that your team has provided in the last three Excel modules has led to successful strategic plans.
    The NEWS BOD would like to understand the probability of this success before granting permission for the CEO to execute the plan.
    Data has been gathered on the last 50 process improvement program (PIP) projects that the NEWS BOD had approved.
    The BLUE columns describe whether the PIP was initially approved as a quality speed or cost control project or combination. (1 = Yes)
    The GREEN columns describe the quality speed and $ results from each project. Regardless of how the PIP was initially chosen
    the positive or negative results were gathered in terms of quality speed and $ at the end of the project.
    The RED column describes the BOD final determination of whether the PIP was successful or not; old BOD criteria was confidential. (1 = Yes)
    Question 1: Using the data given below complete Task 1. The BOD would like to know the percentage of PIP projects completed per each category since their short-term memory
    has hindered their ability to remember the percentage that began as an effort to overcome quality speed and cost issues.
    Also briefly discuss the PIP success rate attributable to each type of PIP effort based on the BOD’s confidential criteria shown only as success or failure Results.
    ANSWER: Quality received a 58% Speed-58% Costs 52% Q&S-24% Q&C22% S&C 32% QSC-10%
    The PIP success rate is dependent on whether the project was approved for each category.
    Question 2: Using the data given below complete Task 2. NEWS is very proud of their PIP initiative and has briefed the press that their success rate is greater than 50%.
    Is this true? Explain.
    The BOD is very concerned about this next process improvement project decision. It is truly a make or break initiative for the company and therefore a more conservative set of
    success criteria has been provided. Does the new criteria change the rate of success of past PIP initiatives? Given this probability of success what recommendation would you make to the BOD?
    ANSWER: No It is not true. The NEW PIP success rate is at 22% which is less than the <50% that they told the press. Yes the new criteria changes the rate of success. NEWS had a higher percentage of PIP success at 46% with the old criteria compared to lesser PIP success of 22% with the new criteria. I would suggest they keep the OLD PIP success criteria since it yielded NEWS a higher rate of success with their PIP initiatives. PIPQualitySpeedCostsComboQuality (Defective Free out of 1000)Speed (Reduction in Days)Project Cost over 5 YearsResults 1 - 1 - 2 849 18$ 18786.00 1 2 1 1 1 7 969 25$ (99911.00) 1Task 1: Calculate Basic Probability of each PIP 3 1 - - 1 375 14$(127462.00) 1Determine the number of Quality Speed or Costs projects using the COUNTIF function. 4 - 1 - 2 54 25$ 180987.00 - Highlight each BLUE column and use a criteria of 1 5 1 1 1 7 231 19$ 141891.00 - Divide the COUNTIF value by the total number of PIP projects which is 50 to determine % of each. 6 - 1 1 6 294 4$(337779.00) 1Next determine the number of combination projects using the COUNTIFS function. 7 - 1 1 6 113 18$ 359480.00 - Again Highlight each BLUE column now in question and use a criteria of 1; divide value by 50 8 - 1 1 6 815 25$(105450.00) 1Find probability of PIP success due to quality speed or costs or combination using COUNTIFS and COMBO 1-7; divide value by 50 9 1 - - 1 75 8$(358460.00) 1 10 1 - 1 5 574 16$ 204531.00 - CountPIP PercentagePIP Success 11 1 - 1 5 581 4$(423775.00) 1Quality (1) 2958%22% 12 1 - 1 5 476 13$ 27067.00 - Speed (2) 2958%12% 13 1 1 1 7 913 15$ 183020.00 1Costs (3) 2652%8% 14 - 1 - 2 901 18$(189459.00) 1Q & S (4) 1224%14% 15 - 1 - 2 461 16$(440744.00) 1Q & C (5) 1122%12% 16 - - 1 3 907 16$(121543.00) 1S & C (6) 1632%22% 17 1 1 1 7 113 7$ 279995.00 - Q S C (7) 510%10% 18 1 1 - 4 836 14$ 119375.00 1 19 - 1 1 6 117 11$ 258624.00 - Task 2: Calculate Basic Probability Using new BOD Success Criteria 20 1 1 - 4 140 2$ 490621.00 - Find the probability of PIP success in Results using the COUNTIF function; divide value by 50 21 1 - - 1 486 12$ (29548.00) - PIP Success (OLD) =46% 22 1 1 - 4 693 21$ 429546.00 - 23 - 1 1 6 797 6$ 321394.00 - Given the criticality of this new decision the BOD has provided conservative PIP success criteria to analyze past projects 24 1 - 1 5 640 1$ 338079.00 - Quality> 300 Defective Free per 1000
    25 1 – 1 5 809 14$ 127488.00 1Speed> 15 Days Reduced
    26 1 – – 1 395 18$(452635.00) 1Costs< $ 200000 per 5 Years 27 - 1 - 2 67 11$(153762.00) - 28 1 1 - 4 318 1$ (87959.00) - Find probability of PIP success using COUNTIFS due to new BOD quality speed or costs criteria. 29 1 - - 1 892 22$ 114534.00 1 30 - 1 1 6 241 25$(155861.00) - PIP Success (NEW) =22% 31 - 1 1 6 672 12$(365375.00) 1 32 - - 1 3 367 1$ (47545.00) - 33 1 1 1 7 441 19$ (54337.00) - 34 1 1 - 4 312 11$ (25565.00) - 35 - 1 - 2 741 7$ 218901.00 1 36 1 - - 1 152 15$(174572.00) - 37 1 - - 1 421 14$ 364862.00 - 38 - 1 1 6 664 18$(285424.00) 1 39 1 - - 1 394 17$ 11445.00 - 40 - 1 1 6 342 15$ 381951.00 - 41 1 - 1 5 495 6$(364384.00) 1 42 - 1 1 6 138 10$ 126225.00 - 43 - - 1 3 497 13$ 314030.00 - 44 1 - - 1 600 8$(204767.00) 1 45 1 - - 1 70 9$(360997.00) 1 46 1 1 - 4 328 17$ 312224.00 - 47 1 - - 1 738 11$ 395810.00 - 48 - 1 1 6 282 17$(437307.00) 1 49 - - 1 3 905 7$ 376547.00 - 50 1 1 - 4 220 5$(183168.00) 1

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