Individual Attributes and Perception 3-2-1

    3-2-1 Summary and Reflection

    3 Things I've Learned: Write three paragraphs, each devoted to the 3 things you have learned.Describe/define these items. Identify why you think these are important and/or how you can use/apply them.

    2 Things I Can Use: Write two paragraphs, each devoted to two additional things that you can apply or use in real life.Identify why you think these are important and/or how you can use/apply them. 

    1 Reflective Comment: Write a minimum of 1 paragraph to reflect on the information and your take home message.

    A paragraph will be defined by at least 8 sentences. Points will be deducted for not reaching the minimum amount of sentences per paragraph.

    Individual Attributes and Perception 3-2-1
    You can choose any of the topics from the lectures, chapters and the assigned additional reading chapters.

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