dentify and list as much information as you can from the case study that is relevant to the two competing hypotheses:
2. Assess each piece of information against both hypotheses by asking Is this information consistent with (supports) inconsistent with (does not support) or perhaps not applicable (N/A) to each hypothesis. You may find that some information has the same relevancy to both hypotheses. A template is provided that you can use.
Also please keep in mind this Structured Analytic Technique does not work if you only include or favor the information that confirms ones preconceptions.
3. After listing all your information and categorizing it as consistent with (supports) inconsistent with (does not support) or not applicable (N/A) to each hypothesis write a short paragraph that provides your bottom line judgment. For example the body evidence supports the judgment that the aluminum tubes are most likely meant for . or the evidence is inconclusive Keep in mind that you will need to support any hypotheses with evidence from the case study.