Project Milestone 0Proposal Draft

    Project Milestone 0Proposal Draft
    i have the file attached for you to fill read the project detials below and select appropriate topic for the course project and fill the project milestone 0 part of the file
    Submission: Draft due (ungraded) by the end of Week 1
    I. Proposal GuidanceBrainstorming
    As we look around we can see numerous examples of business services that have used networked applications in order to meet various business objectives. For example the Internet and broadband networks have made it possible to sell and source products for the retail industry. We see information technology has made it possible to offer online education and online banking. We also see how access to high-speed wireless networks has made it possible to offer free Wi-Fi and access to the Internet in municipalities parks restaurants and buses. Cloud services have made it possible to run platform infrastructure and software as a service. Mobile devices and networks have made it possible to reach customers anytime and anywhere.
    Some of the common business objectives are
    For your Course Project that will span all seven weeks of this course please pick a business or industry of your choice such as healthcare transportation manufacturing education retail and so forth. Think about some of the key information technology drivers that have a deep impact on the industry or business area of your choice. Some of these drivers might be use of mobile devices videoconferencing and VoIP use of online medium to conduct business cloud services and so forth. What are some of the networked (or online) applications that interest you in your chosen area of business? You may even create your own network application service for any business of your choice.
    How does this networked application that you chose help you solve one or more business objectives (refer to bullet points 1 2 and 3 above)? For instance you may choose to incorporate online shopping to a retail business or you may plan to equip video conferencing applications on all desktops in your medium size business that spans several locations in a region. You may be a coffee shop that plans to offer free Wi-Fi and paid music download kiosks or you may be an owner of a of couple slot machines who wants to keep track of sales in real time.
    Please make sure that you pick an application that makes use of a LAN and a WAN (or Internet). Also make sure that you know what kind of business problem will be solved by the use of this networked application.
    II. Proposal GuidanceClarifying your project proposal
    In order to clarify the nature of the networked application ask yourself the following questions whose answers will be included in your project proposal.
    III. Proposal GuidanceFormat and submit your proposal draft
    Using all the above information generate a proposal describing the proposed network application service. Your writing should be persuasive and clear enough to explain the rationale and scope of the project. Please cite any external sources of information you might have used in your proposal.

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