In this lab you will develop a policy statement and the processes and procedures that can be used to drive the design implementation andmaintenanceof a wireless network in a SOHO (small office home office) setting.With the policy statement in place you will then outline the key processes and procedures for the same network.Generally we start with the network and user requirements and from there develop the supportive security policies processes and procedures. In this case you will outlineyour own basicrequirements that call for a SOHO wireless network. Thoserequirementscan be broad andreasonable for the business setting you select. Some guidance aboutcreatinga broad requirements statement shallbe provided later in this document.Assume your materials will be used in a high-levelbriefing to the business managers. Therefore keep your recommendations at an executive andpracticallevel.The reason for this lab is to give you some practical experience indevelopingand exploring the creation of best practices guidelines which will be used by managers and business owners. Additionally this lab should be very useful to youpersonallybecause you (or some people you know) likely need this type of guidance.
    Document Authoring Guidelines
    Each section will vary in size based on the requirements. Drive yourself to create a useful document for the setting you have selected.
    Lab Document Framework

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