For most of us computer-mediated-communication (CMC) is a big part of our daily lives. For the purpose of this assignment we will include your cell phone as a type of computer. In this assignment you will reflect on your CMC.
First read Chapter 4 in Bevan and Sole. Next monitor your cell phone and/or computer-use during the course of a single day. Please download and save theCMC chartand make a note each time you check an email text play a game or even check the time. Keep track of all of your personal and work-based communication activities through the course of a day and write everything you did on the provided chart. Keep track of the type of communication length of time of your engagement and the roles of both verbal and nonverbal communication in the interactions.
As you take notes on your chart ask yourself:
Sample Notes
Work email used emoticons and exclamation points to lighten the tone; careful with formal language and typos as this can be read that as careless or incompetent; saw responses to me with exclamation points and emoticons (nonverbal); like in table 4.7 in our text I noticed I tried to clarify I understood others by saying things like Are you saying that …? If I were with them I’d read body language instead.
When you write your paper focus on specific interactions like the example used above or comment on general-use patterns. Then based on what you have learned in Bevan and Sole answer the following questions:
Do not worry if you end up missing a few of your interactions. However the more details you collect the better your evidence will be to support your points. If it turns out you do not do much computer-mediated-communication focus on the costs or benefits of primarily relying on verbal (and/or spoken) communication.
The paper