First watch this video:
Then :
To receive full credit (25/25points) you mustanswerat leasttwoof thefollowing questionsabout the monster movie documentary in the form of a short paragraphas well as respond critically to at leasttwoof your classmates’ posts.
Note:Responding criticallyrequires more than a simple yes or no. In sentence form respond withoneof the following:
I agree because…(you must finish the thought)
I disagree because…(you must finish the thought)
I partially agree and partially disagree because…(you must finish the thought)
Discussion Questions:
1) Mark Gatiss the host states that after the Great War German cinema had something to prove. It wasn’t just entertainment. Why do you think the German film industry and the horror genre in particular became so popular? What was it about the movies and their monsters that the public found so appealing?
2) The moral gray area is something French cinema celebrated. Why might this theme have resonated with them? Why makes it so terrifying that it continues to be popular in films and other cultural mediums today?
3) According to Spanish director Narciso Ibez Serrador the typical movie monsters are so fantastical that the public don’t believe they can exist. But if something innocent can be a monster that has more impact. Why might he believe this to be the case? Do you agree or disagree with his statement? Why?
4) Many of the films discussed in this documentary are rooted in politics. In what ways do political currents and situations lend themselves to the horror genre regardless of setting or country of origin?
The Two comment that you should reply to them :
When a monster is unrealisticor fantasticalit is not as easy to be frightened by it because it makes us feel that we could never encounter something like that in real life. However if something innocent is portrayed as a monster it is much more frightening. I agree withSerrador’sstatement. Takechildren for example as shown in the video. Children are made out to be innocent people of society; we don’t usually associate them with monstrous or evil like behavior. Therefore when a film makes a child become the monster it gives us a sense of fear that something realistic in our society especially that is supposed to be seen as harmless has the ability to commit horrible actions or become a monstrous being.
The second comment:
I can understand why often times scary movie film makers make children for example the monster or thevillianbecausethe audience never expectsan innocentchildto be a monster. Typically in most all societies childrenare seenas innocent lovingand carefree… they are almost thebackboneof society. We canalways counton children to be stress freeandhappy sowhen a movieproducerintroducesthe ideaof a childbecoming a monsterit isalmost as if the whole structureof societyis crumbling andthat is perhapsthe mostfreightening. I agreethat the publicmaywant to viewchildren beingmonstersas a fantastical or unrealistic idea justbecausethey are so afriadit mightactuallybe true.