Please submit an 100-200 word abstract in which you provide details of your research topic. For assistance in writing an abstract please see Before writing your abstract be sure to reread the assignment

    Please submit an 100-200 word abstract in which you provide details of your research topic. For assistance in writing an abstract please see
    Before writing your abstract be sure to reread the assignment requirements as detailed in the syllabus.
    Final Paper- Your final paper must be comparative in nature. Students are to select a theme and compare at least two or more countries. Examples of themes may include but are not limited to: Emerging Democracies Ethnic Politics Nationalism Gender Politics Political Economies etc. The textbook may give you other ideas of themes to explore. Your paper must be 8-10 pages type 12 font size and Times New Roman style. All sources must be properly cited within the text. Students may use APA APSA Chicago Style or MLA format. It is recommended that students seek approval for their topics in advance. The last two weeks will be dedicated to presenting your paper in a conference style roundtable. Each student will present his or her findings 5 minute presentation.
    Do not do the final paper now!! just the abstract

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