Population Issue and
    the Economy in Different
    This is a university paper
    So No plagiarism
    One major term paper (prepared in two parts) is required; as above due dates are Tuesday May 30 2017 and Monday June 19 2017. The papers must be both 1) handed in (Hard copy; no-emails will be considered) and 2) electronically to Turnitin via Blackboard by the beginning of class on the due date: no paper is considered submitted until the paper is submitted via Turnitin. Missing class DOES NOT waive or extend the deadline for submitting an assignment. Academic writing style is required for both parts of the paper; be sure to use in-text citation and bibliography (please see one of the following style guides: Chicago MLA APA etc.). Also papers are expected to be proof-read and free of typos and poor grammar. No late papers will be accepted without a pre-approved valid excuse. The graded first part of the paper should be submitted with the second part.
    The first part should be five to seven pages double-spaced typed and proof-read. It will identify and describe an issue of importance in Law and Economics: included in this description is the economic theory composing the issue. Five to seven sources should be presented and discussed (i.e. a literature review). The second part should be five to seven pages double-spaced typed and proof-read. It will comprise a quantitative analysis of the issue identified in the first part: how and why the issue is important (who is affected and how?). The analysis should be a critical assessment of both sides of the issue. This term paper project accounts for 30% of the course grade.
    I have attached a guide however this paper got C grade I really Need A on this

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