Your Final Paper will be a reflection on your undergraduate journey and how it will impact your future.
    Questions to address in the paper:
    Describe your academic journey: 
    the path you took to get to where you are today
    your motivation for pursuing your bachelor’s degree in general studies
    What are you most proud of in your UC experience?
    How did your UC experience help you to accomplish your goals?
    What are your next steps after graduation? What are your plans for the future and how did UC set you up for those plans?
    How will you define success in the future?
    Are you ready for your next steps?
    Formatting Requirements:
    Times New Roman, Size 12
    Double Spaced
    1″ margins
    at least 1500 words (excluding references)
    APA citations (APA Style Guide)
    Please make sure to review the rubric to understand grading and scoring expectations.
    *Due Wednesday by 11:59pm EST*

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