You will submit a paper on ‘How has my classes in Biology influenced my understanding and ability to deal with the present pandemic’.

       * The assignment is due April. 8, 2022.  You can submit the paper earlier.

       *  The paper must be typed (800 words).

       *  You must upload the paper to the Canvas page.

       *  Assignment is worth 50 pts.

    Some Rubric


    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeASLT.BIOL1033.PO1.LO1PO1. Develop competencies in the key concepts in biological science disciplines. LO1. Demonstrate knowledge of general biology concepts in the areas of cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, and evolution. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher.
    threshold: 3.0 pts

    5 ptsExceeds Expectations

    OutcomeASLT.BIOL1033.PO2.LO3PO2. Apply the process of science using quantitative reasoning, modeling and technology. LO3. Interpret biological images, scientific graphs and models used to illustrate general biology concepts. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher.
    threshold: 3.0 pts

    5 ptsExceeds Expectations

    ASLT.BIOL1033.PO3.LO2PO3. Analyze the dynamic interactions of science, technology, and society. LO2. Apply general biology concepts to the natural world and society. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher.
    threshold: 3.0 pts

    5 ptsExceeds Expectations

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