You were recently asked to attend a meeting to discuss the hiring process in your workplace. The human resources director attended and made the following statement: We obviously want intelligent people but we also want them to have emotional intelligence.
    What did the HR director mean by that? To learn more about emotional intelligence explore the sites listed below. Please take one of the emotional intelligence (EI) tests. Reflect on your results and explore ways that you might develop an enhanced emotional IQ.
    The following sites has aninformal self-administered survey that introduces the concept of EI in an interesting and personal way. There are also links at these sites to follow-up on emotional quotient (EQ) assessment and enhancement approaches.
    After taking the test write a paper of 23 pages that covers the following:
    Please use the following guidelines for formatting your assignment:
    For assistance with your assignment please use your text Web resources and all course materials. Please refer to the following multimedia course materials(s):
    Assignment Tips:
    Grading Rubric

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