THIS IS WEEK FIVES PLAN OF ACTION PLEASE refer to please to week four plan of action that i have attached and make a new plan of action that covers what I discussed in my previous one and then update progress goals to accomplish and goals I fell short on. (please state that i have completed ten pages that istated i hoped to complete in my week 4 plan of action)
    here is the actual assignments instructions=
    For Weeks 1-6 you will complete a Plan of Action on a weekly basis. The Plan of Action for Week 2 will focus on your topic proposal for Week 3 on creating a detailed outline and for Week 6 on submitting a rough draft. For Weeks 1 4 and 5 your action plan should address the following points:
    -Progress from last to this week
    -Goals to accomplish with Capstone Project for the upcoming week (e.g. write 10 pages)
    -Any anticipated problems with accomplishing these goals and what you can do to ensure that progress is not impeded
    Students will complete each Plan of Action Assignment by Sunday 11:55 PM EST. Required length ofthe Plan of Action forWeeks 1 4 and5 is 1-2 pages.

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