Createa 10- to 16-slide MicrosoftPowerPointpresentationwith detailed speaker notesabout a contemporary hero or heroine’s quest. Refer to the University of Phoenix Material: Help With MicrosoftPowerPointAssignments for additional help. Your research goes in the Speaker’s Notes box citing sources. Review Announcement wk1 PowerPoints.
Picka contemporary story in the form of a novel movie or video game that is inspired by a mythological epic or journey of a hero’s quest. Briefly describe the plight of the main character-the feat(s) he or she must execute for the benefit of society in the face of challenges.Be sure you research both the contemporary hero and the ancient one and compare them.A contemporary hero is alive today–not Thor Beowulf Hercules or other ancient heroes (and not children’s stories).
Identifythe villain and describe his or her characteristics and role in the hero’s quest.
Identifyother archetypes within the story. Briefly describe these roles in the hero’s quest.
Identifyin detail each of the steps the hero takes in the quest: initiation separation transformation and return.
Researchthe mythological and cultural origins of the story. Explain parallels between the myth(s) and the contemporary story it inspired.
Analyzeany mythological symbolism metaphors and attributes pertinent to the story. What real life elements might these items represent?
Explainthe conflicts between personal desires and community responsibility represented in the myth and the contemporary story. Relate these to the conflicts and choices with which ordinary humans struggle. Explain why these human conflicts retain relevance through the ages.
Formatyour citations and references according to the appropriate course level APA guidelines.Be sure to read the Announcement on Powerpoints posted in wk1. especially regarding citing sources and Permission to use for photographs or copyrighted graphics.