Write:After reading two of your peers stories write a 250- to 300-word critique on the articles they presented. Be sure to mention aspects of the story that were engaging as well as those things you believe could have been improved.
I chose to view two totally different types of online news sites. TMZ and Fox News were the two I looked at. As far as immediacy that Stovall (2014) suggests as one of the five needed online news qualities Fox news appear to be the best. TMZ is in my opinion not a real news outlet but more of an entertainment outlet. So of the things that are on TMZ my not appear as fast as those on a regular news broadcast station such as Fox News.TMZ did have a lot of interactivity on there site. Too much I think.
To me the biggest thing with online news is that we as journalist need to make sure the fact are correct before things get posted so quick and readers need to know the difference between a real news outlet and a citizen journalist and/or blogger.
Technology in the field of journalism is good but journalist must remember to make sure they check sources and research thoroughly before hitting the send or publish button. This is something that those working for new print organizations only have more time to do. Where a printed newspaper has a turnaround cycle of 24-hours the digital news service has a turnaround tie of seconds. (Palmer J. W. & Eriksen L. (1999).
I think another thing that is different with online news is that more photos can be used as compared to space in a print paper or a graphic in a broadcast story.
Stovall (2014) states Photography on the Web is restricted by the size of the computer screen that the user has. Consequently news web sites must show pictures at smaller sizes than they would in print and photo editors must adjust accordingly. The advantage of the Web of course is that it can handle far more pictures than print can.
We are now in a world where the World Wide Web is growing rapidly and is part of everyone’s life (Stovall 2014). As media grows everyone becomes a journalist where members of social media accounts become the reporters. As Stovall mentions despite where you get your news from online there are five characteristics that make them unique: and they are immediacy flexibility permanency capacity and interactivity (p.126).Upon researching and skimming through many different news sites I was drawn back to two of the qualities Stovall mentions. Those two qualities are capacity and interactivity. On the websites I begin to compare them with print media and right off the back I thought about space sites have compared to newspapers. When reporters are given an article to write in the newspapers they are told how much space they will have for that report. The editor will create a layout for the entire paper and decide the amount of space per article per section. That is not the case for online news. There is tremendous amount of space for online material. One report can be many pages long including the ads that are on the page. The web also offers more to the story such as pictures and videos. I have noticed print media has a ratio of print to illustration.Interactivity stood out because of the many different ways a person can get that information. For example if you google a particular news event there will be some other outlets connected to the same story. But in the paper you will have to physically purchase those other newspapers to see what the other outlets are saying. I also noticed the visitor count on one news outlet. As mentioned in Writing for the Mass Media producers put those trackers on the website to record the number of visits and time spent on the site (p. 126). According to a Pew Research those trackers can also show the popularity of that websites. In a research done in January 2015 HuffingtonPost.com was rated as the most popular online news outlet. These two qualities help eliminate storing of old print material and allowing you to control the content you want to see. Which in my opinion beats television news any day.Andrea ParrishReference:Edmond R. (2015 April 29). State of News Media 2015- A new ranking of digital sites. Retrieved April 20 2017 from https://www.poynter.org/2015/state-of-the-news-media-2015-a-new-ranking-of-digital-sites/339941/Stovall J. G. (2014-07-01).Writing for the Mass Media 9th Edition.[Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://onlinevitalsource.com/#/books/9781323198841/
Write:After reading two of your peers stories write a 250- to 300-word critique on the articles they presented. Be sure to mention aspects of the story that were engaging as well as those things you believe could have been improved.