Unit II Case Study Consumer Behavior

    Think about a big-ticket item (expensive product or service) that you recently purchased. After explaining the purchase, relate the consumer decision-making process to your purchase; refer to the lesson. Think about how your culture influenced this purchase and whether the companys advocacy of environmental issues influenced your decision. Include responses to the questions below.

    What are the steps of the consumer decision-making process, and how did your decision progress through each step?
    How did the values and norms within your culture influence your purchase?
    If the company that you were considering purchasing from advocated for environmental issues or other socially responsible behavior, would that have influenced your decision?
    At what point would price have superseded either your cultural values or environmental advocacy discussed in questions two and three?
    Your completed assignment should be a minimum of three double-spaced pages. Please use a minimum of two credible sources from the CSU Online Library to support your reasoning. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. Format your case study in accordance with APA style.
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