will write an essay you will have two-and-a-half hours to answer this question, so try to include as many details as possible. A good suggestion would be to draft an outline before you begin writing the actual essay. Doing so will help you remember key details that need to be developed as you write. Make sure to use any important terms from your reading assignments for your answer.
Be sure to refer to specific literary texts, their authors, and discuss as many details from these readings that you can.
Consider these topics when answering this question:
War: War played a significant role in the development of the earliest civilizations that we have covered in the first half of this semester, and every literary work we’ve read this semester discusses this topic. Try to discuss as many historical wars that you can, being careful to note important dates, figures, military strategies, and the outcomes of these battles. Then discuss how the literary works portray these wars.
Religion: In what ways did religion guide the daily existence of people living during this very lengthy time period? Again, be sure to refer to specific historical details before shifting your attention to how religion plays an important role in literature.
Rome: Detail the rise of Rome and its transition from a monarchy to the creation of the Republic. Be sure to explain specific historical dates of importance, along with the names of some of the most important figures.
· Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer
· Use you own words as much as possible 150-200 words avoid taking direct quoted text from sources.
Hunt, Lynn, et al. The Making of the West: People and Cultures. 6th ed., Macmillan Learning, 2019. Combined volume.
· Chapter 5: The Rise of Rome and Its Republic, 753–44 BCE
· Chapter 6: The Creation of the Roman Empire, 44 BCE–284 CE
Virgil. The Aeneid. ca. 19 BCE.
These supplemental resources are available for your review and for additional information: